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Data Exchange Framework 1.1

Synchronize data between Sitecore and 3rd party systems.


Data Exchange Framework 1.1Data Exchange Framework provides the ability to define the synchronization processes and data mappings.
Sitecore Provider for Data Exchange Framework 1.1Provides the ability for Data Exchange Framework to interact with Sitecore items, marketing taxonomies and xDB.
Sitecore Provider for Data Exchange Framework 1.1 Hotfix 128342This hotfix is needed if you intend to use the Sitecore provider with a Data Exchange Tenant that was created as an empty tenant.
Data Exchange Framework Remote SDK 1.1This file contains the libraries needed by non-Sitecore applications that need to interact with Data Exchange Framework components.

Release Information

Release NotesRelease notes for Data Exchange Framework.


Data Exchange Framework 1.1 Developer GuideDeveloper guide for working with Data Exchange Framework, including how to build custom providers.
Data Exchange Framework 1.1 API GuideAPI documentation for developers building custom components for Data Exchange Framework.

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